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Blackboard will be shut down soon – remember to save your content

Have you used Blackboard in previous semesters? And do you have content that you want to save? Then remember to download it before Blackboard shuts down on 31 October. Find out how here.

2021.09.21 | Sinne B. Jakobsen

Blackboard will shut down on 31October. Before then, remember to download the content you want to save. Graphics: Colourbox.


As of this autumn semester, Brightspace has replaced Blackboard as AU’s university-wide learning platform – and on 31 October 2021, Blackboard will be shut down for good. You can download content that you want to save from your old courses in two different ways:

  • Manually, by downloading one file at a time. You will be able to download files manually at any time through 31 October 2021.

  • By using the Course Content Download Tool, which automatically downloads content from the courses you select. When your download is complete, you will receive an email in your AU mailbox. Get instructions.

    Note: As many students are using this solution, it may take up to several weeks to download your content via the Course Content Download Tool. For this reason, we recommend that you start your download as quickly as possible.

Want to know more?

On AU Studypedia, you’ll find more information on how to get started with the new learning platform Brightspace – and where to get help with what.

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