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Brazilian research talent receives chewing gum award

Associate Professor and PhD Gustavo Nascimento from Aarhus University has travelled the world to enhance his skills in his research field. He has now been awarded the Bagger-Sørensen Foundation's Young Researcher Prize of DKK 75,000 in recognition of his tireless work and impressive research results.

2019.09.02 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Gustavo Nascimento has made his career in a flash at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health in Aarhus, and now he is also honoured by Bagger-Sørensen Fonden for his research talent. Photo: Health Communication.

Gustavo Nascimento has made his career in a flash at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health in Aarhus, and now he is also honoured by Bagger-Sørensen Fonden for his research talent. Photo: Health Communication.

Gustavo Nascimento graduated as a dentist in Brazil. He has taken part of his specialist training programme in dental public health dentistry in the USA and spent a year of his PhD studies in Australia. And when he learnt about a postdoc position in Denmark, he was ready to grab the opportunity.

Since completing his dentistry degree in 2009, Gustavo Nascimento, who is employed at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health in Aarhus, knew that his goal was a career in odontology with dental epidemiology as the focal point.

Can dental health care prevent lifestyle diseases?

"Even though periodontitis has been associated with several lifestyle diseases, there is no strong evidence to support a causal relationship between dental- and systemic diseases. Current evidence originates from cross-sectional studies that do not account for methodological aspects of dental research. My goal is to investigate this relationship by applying research methods to overcome potential limitations from previous studies on the topic,” says Gustavo Nascimento.

According to the Bagger-Sørensen Foundation, founded by the famous Danish chewing gum manufacturer of the same name, the prize is given to Gustavo Nascimento for his original and highly productive research into the mechanisms behind chronic inflammation of the gums (periodontitis) - a disorder often associated with diseases such as type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

To date he has published eighty international peer-reviewed articles and he is also a supervisor for both Master's and PhD students.

Gustavo Nascimento will be presented with the award at an event at Munkebjerg Hotel in Vejle on Monday 2 September 2019.


Associate Professor, Dentist and PhD Gustavo Nascimento
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
Mobile: (+45) 53 76 61 43
Email: ggn@dent.au.dk

Grants and awards, Health and disease, Public/Media, IOOS, Health, People news, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Academic staff