Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Brian Clark Lecture with Lars Fogh Iversen

Lars Fogh Iversen has been with Novo Nordisk for more than 20 years, first as a researcher and now in leadership. He has an impressive career path from a PhD in protein crystallography at the University of Copenhagen to where he is today at Novo Nordisk with the responsibility for their strategies in Global Research Technologies. At the seminar he will present his journey along his career path. Lars will also introduce the company Novo Nordisk, and some of the opportunities for collaborative projects and research careers they offer. Read more about the event here

2021.05.19 | Karoline Klitgaard

Date Tue 25 May
Time 13:00 14:30
Location Online via Zoom

Lars Fogh Iversen has been with Novo Nordisk for more than 20 years, first as a researcher and now in leadership. He has an impressive career path from a PhD in protein crystallography at the University of Copenhagen to where he is today at Novo Nordisk with the responsibility for their strategies in Global Research Technologies. At the seminar he will present his journey along his career path. Lars will also introduce the company Novo Nordisk, and some of the opportunities for collaborative projects and research careers they offer. Read more about the event here.

Event, Research, All groups, Neurocampus, Neurocampus, Conference, Seminar