Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Call for applications to 12 PhD Scholarships

The Danish Cardiovascular Academy calls for applications for PhD scholarships. Applications can be within any field of cardiovascular research.

2021.06.23 | Lene Halgaard

The Danish Cardiovascular Academy will be granting 12 PhD Scholarships. Six projects will be co-funded by the Danish Heart Foundation and receive a full PhD scholarship.

  • 6 scholarships will provide a 1/3 or 2/3 funding and amounts to 550,000 DKK and 1,100,000 DKK respectively covering one or two years of a PhD
  • 6 scholarships will provide full funding and amounts to 1,650,000 DKK over a period of three years primarily to clinical research

Research field

Applications can be within any field of cardiovascular research. However, the PhD-projects should bring different research disciplines and/or sectors together eg. industry, general practice and university hospitals.


Candidates must meet the educational criteria set by the Danish PhD school. Furthermore, they should have research experience and be no more than five years from candidate/Master’s degree.


Being enrolled in the DCAcademy PhD programme provides a number of advantages such as:

  • Membership of DCAcademy
  • Access to a unique network within the cardiovascular field
  • Free entrance to DCAcademy events and courses
  • Possibility of applying for travel grants
  • Appointment as Science Ambassadors for The Danish Heart Foundation

Read more on the programme, eligibility and application process HERE

Deadline for application is Friday 10th of September 12:00

Become a member of DCAcademy (for free) before you send in your application

Send in your application in English through efond: www.efond.dk/dca

Education, Research, Public/Media, DCAcademy, DCAcademy