Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

CESU is ready with new courses

The Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU) has just published a course catalogue with several new courses intended for both new and experienced lecturers at Health.

2017.09.07 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Feedback and active students. This and much more is included in the courses available in the new CESU course catalogue.

Feedback to students with the help of cluster supervision and rubrics and teaching that activates the students. These are two of the new courses you can find in the autumn course catalogue from CESU.

The course catalogue also contains a range of workshops at which different EDU IT tools will be individually explained with special focus on how they can be used pedagogically in lectures.

In addition to the courses in the catalogue, CESU also offers tailor-made courses and individual consultancy. So if you or your department/section has specific pedagogical needs which are not covered by the courses in the catalogue, then you can always contact CESU.

Get the full overview of CESUs courses in the centre's course catalogue. You can also find CESU’s courses in
Health's calendar.


Manager for the pre-graduate area Liza Strandgaard
Aarhus University, Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU)
Mobile: (+45) 2033 4777

Education, PhD students, IOOS, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Forensic Medicine, Academic staff, Department of Dentistry, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Public Health