This year, DANDRITE and PROMEMO were well represented at the Festival of Research, as several researchers had signed up for the "Book a Scientist" programme and offered free, online talks. Affiliated Researcher Jørgen Kjems also offered a live speed lecture.
2021.05.07 |
A part of the festival is the "Book a Scientist" programme, in which it is possible to have a researcher come to your institution to give a talk for free. Every year approximately 300 researchers sign up to the program. This year, the "Book a Scientist" programme was converted to a virtual format and offered more than 200 online talks on various subjects. Below you can se a list of the lectures offered by DANDRITE and PROMEMO researchers:
Poul Nissen, Professor, offered a lecture entitled: "Liv – fra atomer til menneske"
Magnus Kjærgaard, Associate Professor, offered a lecture entitled: "Hukommelsens molekyler"
Meike Sieburg, Postdoc in Capogna Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "Psychoactive substances – old curse or new blessing?"
Andrea Moreno, Postdoc in Nabavi Lab, gave a lecture entitled: "The biology of forgetting: How do we create and lose memories, and why?"
Gülberk Bayraktar, Research Assistant in Takeuchi Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "To remember or not to remember? – On how novelty can influence our memories"
Emma Louth, Postdoc in Capogna Lab, gave a lecture entitled: "Pay attention!"
Mikhail Paveliev, Postdoc in Nykjær Lab, offered a lecture entitled: "Fear memories, Pavlov’s dog and brain plasticity – how do these work together?"
Jørgen Kjems, Professor and DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher, offered a live speed lecture entitled: "Skræddersyet medicin til effektiv behandling af COVID-19"
You can read more about PROMEMO at The Danish Science Festival here