Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Oliver B. Clarke, The Hendrickson Laboratory, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York is visiting Aarhus and will give a DANDRITE lecture.

2015.08.20 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

Date Mon 31 Aug
Time 09:15 10:00
Location The physiology Aud., Dept. Biomedicine, building 1162-013, Ole Worm’s Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus C

"Structural studies of ryanodine receptor gating by cryoelectron microscopy"

Structures of the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) have revealed the architecture of the closed channel, but the structural basis for RyR1 activation has not previously been described. Here we present cryo-EM reconstructions of RyR1 in multiple defined functional states, including activated states, allowing us to provide a detailed description of the conformational changes, both in the transmembrane region and elsewhere, that are associated with calcium binding and channel activation.

Host: Professor Poul Nissen, DANDRITE, Aarhus University

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Nature and technology, Academic staff, Health, Health, Health and disease, PhD students, Science and Technology, Science and Technology