Are you looking for a neuroscience Bachelor, Master or PhD project? Then join DANDRITE Student ENCOUNTERS 2019 and get inspiration and insights on opportunities for student projects in PROMEMO's and DANDRITE’s research groups.
2019.01.23 |
DATE: 20 February 2019 at 15:00-18:00
Venue: Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine, Auditorium 6, room 347, Ole Worms Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus C
Deadline for registration: 17 February 2019
15:15 Introduction by Prof. and DANDRITE Director Poul Nissen
15:30 Presentation: Student life at DANDRITE
15:45 Find your lab tour 1 guide (in the auditorium)
16:00 Lab tour 1 starts (lasts for approx. 30 minutes)*
16:30 Break with refreshments; Find your next lab tour guide (in the auditorium)
17:00 Lab tour 2 starts (lasts for approx. 30 minutes)*
17:30 Lab network mingle with soda and a slize of pizza
*All labtours have their starting point in the AIAS auditioum