A new nationwide Danish Cardiovascular Academy will bring together Denmark’s experts in cardiovascular disease research. The aim is to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of DKK 150 million to the Academy, which professor Christian Aalkjær will be the Executive Managing Director of.
2021.01.19 |
Each year, more than 55,000 people are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease in Denmark, and a growing number of people live with chronic cardiovascular disease.
To prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve the quality of life of people with these diseases, professor Christian Aalkjær will - as Executive Managing Director - along with Danish experts gather knowledge and capacities in the Danish Cardiovascular Academy. The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 150 million for establishing and operating the Academy, which will be based at Aarhus University.
The idea behind pooling all of Denmark’s knowledge on cardiovascular disease is to improve understanding of the mechanisms that lead to cardiovascular disease, thereby improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
“The Danish Cardiovascular Academy will enable young talented researchers to participate in networks across Denmark and to meet top national and international researchers. The Academy will be a key starting-point for expanding the cardiovascular research communities at universities in Denmark and for supporting the next generation of cardiovascular researchers, who can create research breakthroughs and promote innovation across disciplines and thus ensure even better treatment for people with cardiovascular disease in Denmark,” says Dean Lars Bo Nielsen.
In addition to bringing together knowledge and experts from universities, hospitals and other research institutions, the Danish Cardiovascular Academy will integrate patients’ perspectives. A patient organization, the Danish Heart Association, is therefore a partner of the Academy and is contributing a further DKK 30 million to the collaboration.
“The Danish Heart Association is pleased and proud to be actively involved in establishing and expanding the Danish Cardiovascular Academy. Involving a patient organization so actively is visionary and provides the best conditions for shaping and boosting Denmark’s future research in cardiovascular disease to benefit patients and society,” says Anne Kaltoft, CEO, Danish Heart Association.
The Danish Cardiovascular Academy will build strong interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral networks in Denmark and internationally. In addition, the Academy will focus on recruiting the best PhD students and postdoctoral fellows within cardiovascular research.
“Denmark has a long tradition for cardiovascular research, but the numerous experts in the field have never been brought together before. The Danish Cardiovascular Academy wants to change that, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation wants to support this development based on its many positive perspectives,” says Niels-Henrik von Holstein-Rathlou, Senior Vice President, Biomedicine & Health Sciences, Novo Nordisk Foundation.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 150 million for establishing the Danish Cardiovascular Academy for a 6-year period. The Academy is based at Aarhus University, and the other partners are:
Dekan Lars Bo Nielsen
Aarhus Universitet, Health
Tlf.: 87 15 20 07
Mail: larsbo@au.dk
Professor Christian Aalkjær
Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Biomedicin
Mobil: 30 45 43 06
Mail: ca@biomed.au.dk
Omtalen er baseret på pressemateriale fra Novo Nordisk Fonden