Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

DCE at the 35th ICPE in Philadelphia

16 colleagues attended the 35th ICPE in Philadelphia.

2019.09.03 | Helle Vester

DCE at 35th ICPE, Philadelphia

DCE at 35th ICPE, Philadelphia

Department of Clinical Epidemiology was strongly represented by 16 colleagues at the 35th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE) in Philadelphia on 24-28 August.

We contributed with 20 posters, 4 spotlight posters, 11 oral presentations, and 2 session moderations. You can see our scientific contributions here. And see what we were up to on Twitter at @DCEaarhus or #DCEatTwitter

We are looking forward to the 36th ICPE in Berlin in 2020!

Research, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi, Dept Clin Epi, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff