All employees and managers at Health are encouraged to participate in the university's online conference on gender equality and diversity. The conference will take place on International Women's Day on 8 March, and at Health we will discuss topics including the qualification requirements for academic positions at the faculty.
2021.02.11 |
Take part in the debate at Aarhus University's Diversity Conference on 8 March 2021. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU photo. Graphics: Simon Fischel, Health communication.
It is common knowledge that we at Aarhus University face a challenge with gender equality in academic positions from assistant professor to professor level. The gender distribution here becomes more and more biased in favour of men the further up the career ladder you go. The senior management team and the gender equality and diversity committee wish to change this situation, and for this reason work is ongoing at both faculty and department level to find ways to remedy the inequality.
A number of the new proposed solutions will be presented and debated at Aarhus University's Gender Equality Conference on 8 March 2021 – and here you can help to qualify the initiatives and strengthen gender equality.
The conference begins in plenum and brings together employees and managers from all faculties to hear and discuss a presentation of the university's action plan for gender equality and diversity. This will be followed by separate sessions where we at Health will work with the theme of 'Qualification requirements in a gender equality context'.
Our focus will be on the part of the action plan that concerns qualification requirements for the job categories of assistant professor, associate professor, senior researcher and professor. The objectives are partly to ensure that there is no hidden indirect discrimination, discriminatory principles or stereotypes involved, and partly that the qualification requirements are transparent and accessible to all employees.
After a presentation by Christine Parsons, associate professor and deputy-chairwoman at DANWISE, the five department heads will each present their plans for how the individual departments will work with the qualification requirements, and it will also be possible to ask questions. The session concludes with an open discussion of the topic, where everyone is invited to contribute their own ideas, perspectives and initiatives for ensuring increased gender equality in the academic environment.
Register for the conference on Monday 8 March 9:00 -12:30 and see the programme for both the plenum session and the faculties' break-out sessions.
International Advisor Tanja Hansen
Dean’s Secretariat, Health
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8108