“Kidneys make sense” by Jens Leipziger
2015.02.26 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard
Date | Tue 03 Mar |
Time | 12:00 — 13:00 |
Location | Biochemistry Aud 6 lecture hall (building 1170) |
| Speaker: Professor Jens Leipziger Title: “Kidneys make sense” (ABSTRACT) | |
12:45-13:00 | Discussion |
The Department invites participants to a sandwich. Please register at auws.au.dk/Biomedicine_Seminar no later than Thursday the 26th of February.
The 2015 spring programme will follow soon.
Best regards
The Biomedical Seminar Organizing Committee
Camilla Gustafsen
Anja Einholm
Mark Denham