Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Doctoral defence: Rikke Nørregaard

Cyclooxygenase-2 and Prostaglandins in Obstructive Nephropathy­Functional and Pathophysiological Aspects.

2020.01.13 | Health Kommunikation

Date Fri 21 Feb
Time 14:00 18:00
Location Auditorium 424, Institut for Biomedicin, bygning 1231, Wilh. Meyers Allé, Universitetsparken

Friday the 21 of February 2020 at 14.00 Rikke Nørregaard defends her doctoral dissertation entitled: "Cyclooxygenase-2 and Prostaglandins in Obstructive Nephropathy­Functional and Pathophysiological Aspects." 

The defence takes place in Auditorium 424, Department of Biomedicine, building 1231, Wilh. Meyers Allé, Aarhus University

You can acquire the thesis by contacting Rikke Nørregaard.

Further information

Rikke Nørregaard

Mail: RN@clin.au.dk

Read more about doctoral defence at Health

Event, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Health, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Public/Media