Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

DSSF DIMS Sports Congress February 2017

RUNSAFE attends the annual sports congress 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

2016.12.21 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Date Thu 02 Feb Sat 04 Feb
Time 12:00    12:00
Location Copenhagen
Registration has closed


Michael Bertelsen, Daniel Ramskov, Camma Damsted, René Korsgaard, Erik Parner and Rasmus Nielsen from RUNSAFE attend the annual sports congress february 2-4th 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

View the conference homepage click here 

Follow the conference on Twitter: @sportskongres

Thursday, February 2nd:

In the workshop "How can clinicians aid runners in choosing running shoes: Running shoe selection and it´s relation to injury treatment, injury prevention and performance", we discuss choice of running shoes. 

In the symposium: "Simple statistics and non-causal mindsets: A problem for Sports Injury Prevention", we provide the audience with the following talks:

Rasmus Nielsen

Title: Crossroads in Sports Injury Research: Are there any dangerous paths?

In this presentation, lights are shed on the pitfalls of analytical approaches used in sports science contexts. These include: (i) Excessive use of P-values, (ii) Excessive use of confounders without consideration of effect-measure modifiers or mediators, and (iii) using the score from the OSTRC-questionnaire as a continuous outcome. Although provocative, the intention of the presentation is to open for a discussion about the lack of collaboration between a broad range of sports injury researchers on one side and epidemiologists and statisticians on the other.

Michael Bertelsen

Title: Injury etiology: Are we asking the right questions?

The common research question “Are athletes with a specific variable at an increased risk of sports injuries?” is appropriate if the researcher wishes to identify a sub-group of athletes at increased or decreased injury risk. However, this approach is not directly translatable in terms of being able to provide athletes with training advice on how to avoid injurious training-related errors. Since sports injury research has to produce results that provide athletes with knowledge on how to reduce risk of injury, the research question must be considered. If we seek to move beyond prediction and towards causation and intervention, the training load and specific injury locations are necessary components in the research question. 

Erik Parner

Title: Be aware: Most variables change status over time!

Time-to-event analysis is a useful statistical tool in which to analyze the influence of changing exposures on injury risk. However, the potential of time-to-event analysis remains insufficiently exploited in sports injury research. Therefore, the purpose of the present presentation is to present and discuss measures of association used in time-to-event analyses and to present the advanced concept of time-varying exposures and outcomes.

Friday, February 3rd:

In the symposium: "Running-Related Injuries: Etiology and Prevention", we provide the audience with the following talks: 

Rasmus Nielsen

Title: Status of running-related injury research anno 2017

In the past year, a number of high-quality publications within the running-related injury thematic have surfaced. In this presentation, these publications are outlined and a helicopter-view of the findings are given.

René Korsgaard

Title: Transition of conventional running shoes is associated with increased risk in recreational male runners: A 1-year prospective cohort study Appetizer: Running is characterized by highly repetitive loading, which the body has adapted to, if previous loading have been consistent. Changing running shoes will change the way the load is applied to the musculoskeletal system during running. Since the load may be distributed to vulnerable structures, which have not adapted to the new way the load is applied to the musculoskeletal system during running. Therefore, the change of running shoe may increase the risk of sustaining an injury. The present study describes the changed risk of running related injuries following a transition to a new pair of neutral running shoes

Camma Damsted

Title: ProjectRun21: Running schedules for half-marathon – are they safe or injurious?

Since 2000 the attractiveness of running a half-marathon has been steeply growing, and is now highly favored over other popular running distances as 5K and 10K. Results of a Google search (ultimo October 2016) for the number of free available running schedules directly reflected this trend with 39.900.000 hits for half-marathon compared to the 40-times lesser hits for 5K (57.000) and 10K (693.000). An important strength of participating in endurance sports as half-marathon is the extremely positive impact this kind of physical activity has on the health status. However, the dark side of engaging into long distance running is the high risk of sustaining a running-related injury. Paradoxically, despite the immense number of available running schedules, it seems that the prevalence of running-related injuries remains unchanged and thereby, strongly questions the utility of the existing running schedules




Conference, All groups, Runsafe, Runsafe