On 4 November, the Danish National Research Foundation will hold an information meeting for all interested researchers. The reason for the meeting is the coming call for applications from the foundation for the establishment of Centres of Excellence (CoE).
2015.10.29 |
A centre grant is a flexible grant of up to DKK 100 million in total distributed over max. 10 years. It is divided into two grant periods of six and four years respectively. The centres constitute a unique framework for excellent research. Centres may be established within and across all research areas.
The meeting is relevant for applicants for the current call as well as young researchers who consider applying during one of the future rounds of applications from the Danish National Research Foundation.
All interested researchers are encouraged to attend the meeting.
At the meeting, the Director for the Danish National Research Foundation Søren-Peter Olesen will present the current call. In addition, Centre Directors Rubina Raja and Troels Skrydstrup will talk about their experience with the application process, and it will be possible to ask questions.
The call from the Danish National Research Foundation is expected to be published approx. 1 November.
Read the programme for the meeting on 4 November here.