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Have you signed up for this year’s DHL Relay Race?

After a break in 2020, Aarhus University is once again participating in the DHL Relay Race. It is still not too late to sign up.

2021.06.03 | Lotte Blåbjerg Kristensen

[Translate to English:] Sidste gang DHL Stafetten blev afholdt var i 2019. Her ses glade løbere i Mindeparken i Aarhus. Foto: Ida Jensen, AU.

At the end of April, we were pleased to announce that after a year without DHL we can once again look forward to a cosy summer evening with our colleagues for a brisk walk or run in beautiful surroundings. If you have yet to sign up, you still have time. The deadline for registration has been extended to 9 June.

The relay race will take place in Aarhus and Copenhagen on the following dates:

Aarhus: Thursday 19 August
Read more and sign up here 

Copenhagen: Thursday 2 September
Read more and sign up here 

DHL 2021 will of course be held in accordance with the current Covid-19 guidelines.

Read more

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