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Find good advice on handling and preventing stress

Are you or one of your colleagues affected by unhealthy stress? If the answer is yes, is there talk of stress in the well-being zone, the risk zone or the danger zone? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in Health's new stress folder.

2018.01.25 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Find inspiration, help and guidance in Health's new stress folder. Photo: AU.

Find inspiration, help and guidance in Health's new stress folder. Photo: AU.

At Health, unhealthy stress is a shared challenge and a joint responsibility. For this reason, the faculty’s occupational health and safety committee (FAMU) has prepared a digital folder to equip managers and employees at Health to handle and prevent work-related unhealthy stress. The folder contains specific tools and tips on how to act if you yourself, an employee or a colleague shows signs of stress. The folder also contains a test that can reveal signs of stress.

Health's new stress folder has been sent for consultation in the faculty liaison committee and individual local liaison committees - and is supported by all of them. The management urges everyone to incorporate the new folder in their work with SDDs.

Stress has been a recurring theme in connection with the university's latest surveys of the psychological work environment (the psychological WPA), and managers and employees at all levels of the organisation have subsequently worked with stress as a follow-up to the surveys.

If you have any questions regarding the folder, or if you experience stress in your everyday life and need help to deal with it, you can contact your immediate supervisor, your occupational health and safety representative or your union representative.



Administrative, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Health, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Public Health, Department of Clinical Medicine, PhD students, Department of Dentistry