Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Get a discount on antivirus software

Protect yourself against viruses and keep your personal information personal by installing reliable antivirus software on your computer/smartphone. As a student or a member of staff at Aarhus University, you and your household can now get a large discount on McAfee LiveSafe antivirus.

2016.01.13 | Malene Hjulmand Bundgaard

McAfee LiveSafe is reliable antivirus software that protects your personal information. This antivirus software is for private use only and can be installed on all computers (Windows and Mac) and smartphones (iOS and Andoid) in your household.   

You can buy McAfee LiveSafe at aarhus.mcafeehomeuse.com. If you use AU’s discount code – AHMLS15 – you can get McAfee LiveSafe at the price of EUR 13.50 instead of EUR 79.95. Licenses are valid for one year.  

If you have any questions about McAfee LiveSafe or if you need help, please contact McAfee directly. AU’s IT support does not support McAfee LiveSafe.

The above offer applies to private use only. If McAfee antivirus software is not installed on your AU computer, please contact your local IT support. Find contact information at www.au.dk/en/it.  



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