Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Farewell Symposium for professor Søren Mogensen

On the occasion of Professor Søren Mogensen has chosen to retire his position as Professor in virology at the Department of Biomedicine the Department hosts a farewell symposium followed by a reception.

2014.09.03 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Date Tue 07 Oct
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Eduard Biermann Auditoriet, Søauditorierne, bygn. 1252, lokale 204

Professor Søren Mogensen has chosen to retire his position as Professor in virology at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University..

On the occasion the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, holds a farewell symposium and a reception for Søren Mogensen on Tuesdag 7 October at 02-04 followed by a reception.

Everyone is welcome.

Please register for the reception no later than 30 September.

The symposium will be held in the Eduard Biermann Auditorium, The Lake Theatres, build. 1252, room 204.
The reception will be held in the William Scharff Auditorium (The Lake Theatres).


On behalft of the organisers

Per Höllsberg

Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine, Technical / administrative staff, Health and disease, PhD students, Research year student