Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Festive reunion brings back memories for jubilee alumni

200 current and former medical doctors, dentists and dental hygienists met on Friday 23 September 2016 at the faculty's annual jubilee alumnus day. Happy to meet one another again, there was much happy chatter and updates on both work and private life, as well as small anecdotes from their time as students.

2016.10.10 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

There were high spirits among the 200 guests at Health’s annual jubilee alumnus day.

We lived next door to Princess Margrethe

  • Leo Kirkegaard Winther
  • Medical doctor
  • 50th anniversary
  • Worked as co-ordinated consultant in otorhinolaryngology at the Holstebro Central Hospital and Hamlet private hospital in Copenhagen. Was also co-examiner for the Master’s degree in medicine.
  • "In 1962 I was the first to move into the newly constructed hall of residence 8 on Randersvej. It was the first of its kind, with both young men and women living under the same roof, though not as yet on the same floor. There were 16 girls living on the third floor and 48 boys on the lower floors to 'to take good care of them'. In 1963-64 living in the hall of residence became even more fun when Princess Margrethe moved in."  

I wanted to stay here

  • Gitte Tindal Ebbesen
  • Dental hygienist
  • 25th anniversary
  • Has worked as a dental hygienist in both the private and municipal sector, primarily in the Herning area. The past eight years at Vildbjerg Dental Centre, which treats both children and adults.
  • "Studying at the School of Dentistry was great. The environment was good. There was a good atmosphere, and I felt like I wanted to stay there. I was a trainee surgery assistant at the School of Dentistry before I began the dental hygienist programme at the same place. I knew I wanted to carry on studying when I started as a trainee, so it was only natural to apply for one of what were only two trainee places at the School of Dentistry. It was simply such a great place to be."


    We were proud

    • Dorte Bluhme Mørkbak
    • Dentist
    • 40th anniversary
    • Worked as a manager in Aarhus municipality’s dental clinics, as district dentist in Greenland and as health promotion manager in Skanderborg Municipality.
    • "Back when I studied at what was known as Aarhus School of Dentistry, we felt a high level of integrity, professional pride and a sense of community. We had ‘our own school', and we were 'specially selected' due to the high mark requirements for admittance. But in a positive way. Because, of course, we did not feel we were better than the other students, more that we were ourselves." 


      In the fine late-summer weather and beautiful surroundings at AIAS, Health's 200 jubilee alumni met one another again as the faculty held its traditional jubilee alumnus day.

      The many jubilee alumni were pleased to see each other and the university, and there was much talking and laughing during the coffee break.

      Dean Allan Flyvbjerg welcomed everyone and congratulated them all on their anniversaries.

      PhD student Peter Sinkjær Kenney gave the celebratory speech on student life in 2016.

      Medical Specialist in forensic medicine Asser Hedegård talked about his study of murder cases in Denmark between 1992-2016.


      All photos were taken by photographer Anders Trærup.

      Events, PhD students, Health, Department of Clinical Medicine, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Dentistry, Health, Academic staff