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Four research talents from AU receive grant from The European Research Council

Four researchers from Aarhus University have just received the coveted ERC Starting Grants from the European Research Council.

2020.09.04 | Kristoffer Jakobsen

Researchers from Aarhus University receive the prestigious ERC Starting Grants. Archival photo: Lars Kruse

Up to EUR 1.5 million over a five-year period. This is what four researchers from Aarhus University can look forward to when they receive ERC Starting Grants from the European Research Council. The grants are awarded to promising junior research talents between two and seven years after they have obtained their PhDs. 

The four researchers receive the grants in the same category, Social Sciences and Humanities. However, the funds must be used to launch very different research projects.

Associate Professor Henrikas Bartusevicius, Department of Political Science, receives a Starting Grant, but will be transferring to a Norwegian institution. 

Read the ERC press release

Research, Research, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, External target group