Niels Jessen, consultant, researcher and newly appointed professor, is among the international elite in the field of clinical pharmacology.
2016.12.15 |
Niels Jessen is consultant and researcher at The Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University. He conducts research into precision medicine with particular focus on the treatment of diabetes. Niels Jessen's research can contribute to generating greater knowledge about the effects of drugs and thereby a more precise and effectual treatment of patients. While clearly beneficial for the patients, this also benefits the healthcare sector, which is under pressure due to the increasing cost of medicine.
Niels Jessen took up the professorship at The Department of Biomedicine in July of this year, and will give his inaugural lecture on 6 January 2017.
Professor, Consultant Niels Jessen
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University
Mobile: (+45) 2859 6352