Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Researcher receives millions for prenatal diagnosis

Ida Vogel from AU and AUH has just received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The money will go towards developing and applying new methods of showing serious diseases in foetuses.

2016.06.08 | Helle Horskjær Hansen

Ida Vogels project: “Prenatal Diagnosis in Denmark – Diagnosis, Counselling and Results” project will develop new screening and diagnostic studies of serious diseases in foetuses. Photo: Jesper Ludvigsen.

Ida Vogels project: “Prenatal Diagnosis in Denmark – Diagnosis, Counselling and Results” project will develop new screening and diagnostic studies of serious diseases in foetuses. Photo: Jesper Ludvigsen.

The “Prenatal Diagnosis in Denmark – Diagnosis, Counselling and Results” project will develop new screening and diagnostic studies of serious diseases in foetuses. The project has been realised following a grant of DKK five million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Ida Vogel and her research colleagues will also look into the preferences of pregnant women and their partners when talk turns to the topic of prenatal diagnosis.

"We want to improve the counselling and advice we give couples. When they choose between testing strategies, when a couple receives a diagnosis during pregnancy, or when you have to tell parents that their newborn has chromosome disorders such as Down's syndrome," says Ida Vogel.

The grant means that she now has the opportunity to work in two part-time positions; one as a medical doctor at the Department of Clinical Genetics at Aarhus University Hospital, and the other as a researcher at the Department of Clinical Medicine.

"This gives me the optimum working conditions for clinical research in the area. At the same time, it provides me with an opportunity to initiate a range of projects, begin PhD and postdoc projects within the area, and continue work on establishing our centre for prenatal diagnosis," she says.

Further information 

Ida Vogel
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine and Department of Clinical Medicine
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Genetics
Tel.: (+45) 3152 3156

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