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Are you having trouble accessing Eduroam (wifi)?

If you have trouble accessing the Eduroam wireless network after 3 January 2019, this may be because you haven’t run an installation program. Find out how here or at eduroam.au.dk

2019.01.21 | Malene Hjulmand Bundgaard

[Translate to English:] Foto: Eduroam

Quick guide

  • Run the installation program ‘eduroam installer’ that you can download from cat.eduroam.org (Android Google Play)
  • Your user name is au<AUID>@uni.au.dk (ex: au123456@uni.au.dk )
  • Use the same password that you use for mit.au.dk or your AU webmail. 

Note: It is important that you run run the installation program, because it installs a certificate that provides more secure protection of your username and password.

You can run the installation program when you’re on the AU network or from home via your own network.


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