The Danish Council for Independent Research has just awarded research funding from the Sapere Aude career programme and Jacob Fog Bentzon from AU and AUH has received DKK 6.4 million.
2014.06.30 |
The Sapere Aude programme awards funding to researchers who have the opportunity to build up and head their own research groups in the coming years. The funding goes to young, established researchers, who now have four years to head their own research projects.
From Health, Associate Professor Jacob Fog Bentzon from the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Heart Centre has received DKK 6.4 million towards research into arteriosclerosis that makes use of new tools.
Find out more about Jacob Fog Bentzon and his research on the Ministry of Higher Education and Science website.
Associate Professor Jacob Fog Bentzon
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Heart Centre
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