Lars W. Andersen from Aarhus University has just defended his higher doctoral dissertation on cardiac arrest in hospital.
2018.10.18 |
Even though his birth certificate says 1987, he has already joined many senior researchers in getting his higher doctoral degree. In 2017, Lars W Andersen was employed at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University and the Research Centre for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital.
Here he has worked with clinical research into acute and critical diseases, in particular patients with cardiac arrest in or outside the hospital. The articles in his doctoral dissertation focus specifically on patients who suffer cardiac arrest in hospital. These patients have a high mortality rate and very few interventions work. His research is therefore, among other things, focused on how treatment can be improved to help ensure that more people survive cardiac arrest.
He hopes that this research can end up having direct significance for the treatment of patients in Denmark and the rest of the world.
Associate Professor, MD, Lars W. Andersen,
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Research Center for Emergency Medicine
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