Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

How To Get Published

2021.08.27 | Johanne Gregor Nielsen

Date Wed 01 Dec
Time 10:26 10:26
Location Aarhus, Denmark

PhD Workshop: How to Get Published 2021

The four Graduate Schools at Aarhus University are hosting a joint PhD course focusing on publication strategies and the writing of a good scientific abstract. The course will bring together PhD students from all disciplines.


Aim of the Course

The aim of this course is to make the participants aware of how to develop effective writing strategies to target different readerships within academic publishing. Furthermore, the participants will be introduced to how to think strategically when making a publication plan. Finally, the quality and interestingness of the title and the abstract influence the editor’s decision whether to send the manuscript for review and the course, therefore, focus on writing a convincing abstract.


Content of the Course

Publishing is crucial to the academic career and a structured approach can save time and improve the likelihood of getting published in the preferred scientific journals. Therefore, when you plan to publish, it is important to think strategically about when and where to publish. This course will introduce you to publishing from both the perspective of the researcher and the editor/ reviewers.

An overview of the peer review process will be provided and its challenges and pitfalls discussed.

In the publication process, the abstract is critical both when submitting a manuscript to a journal, and in attracting readers afterwards. A good abstract can concisely explain the aim and results and place them in the context of the research field.

For more information please follow this link

Please follow this link if you wish to signup

Event, All groups, All AU units, Graduate School of Health