Are you planning to expand your individual competences in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and inter-sectoral mobility?
2014.06.23 |
Date | Mon 30 Jun |
Time | 09:00 — 15:00 |
Location | Richard Mortensen stuen, building 1422, room 122 |
Are you planning to expand your individual competences in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and inter-sectoral mobility? Then you should learn more about Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowships at a workshop held by the Research Support Office.
Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research in aEuropean context or outside Europe. Two kinds of fellowships are available:
The purpose of the workshop is to give you an understanding of the contents of the call, the evaluation criteria and the structure of a competitive proposal.
The workshop will contain presentations from the Research Support Office (RSO), an experienced evaluator plus group exercises.
Sign up if:
Time and place:
Time: Monday 30 June 2014, 09:00-15:00
Place: Richard Mortensen stuen, building 1422, room 122.
Register here no later than Monday 16 June.
The Research Support Office reserves the right to cancel the workshop if no more than 10 have registered.
The workshop is free. Coffee and tea will be served. Lunch can be bought in the canteen at Stakladen nearby.