Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Information security: Do not use the browser Internet Explorer

For security reasons, we strongly encourage employees and students to stop using Internet Explorer entirely.

2020.02.20 | Malene Hjulmand Bundgaard

Photo: Microsoft

Updated on 19 February 2020

For security reasons, we strongly encourage employees and students to stop using Internet Explorer entirely.

AU IT has take steps to limit access to the Internet Explorer browser. This means that you can only open websites in Internet Explorer which have been approved in advance by AU. If you try to open a webpage that has not been approved, the page will automatically open in the Edge browser instead. Websites will only be approved for use in Internet Explorer if this is absolutely necessary.

If your default browser is Internet Explorer, find out here how to switch to another browser, such as Edge, Firefox or Chrome.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact your local IT support team.

This weekend, Microsoft discovered a critical vulnerability in their browser, Internet Explorer. Microsoft recommends that you do not use Internet Explorer until the error has been corrected. At worst, cybercriminals can exploit the vulnerability and take over your computer, install programs, see, change and delete data or set up user accounts via phishing emails.


The information security department at AU follows the recommendations from Microsoft and asks all members of staff and students not to use Internet Explorer. Instead you can use e.g. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. If you have questions about how to install a new browser or set another browser as your standard browser, please contact your local IT support team.

The information security department will give an update when Microsoft has corrected the error. 

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