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iPSYCH Researcher receives EliteForsk Travel Award

Ole Köhler-Forsberg, MD, PhD-student, Department of Clinical Medicine - Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov receives an EliteForsk travel Award from the Ministry of Higher Education and Sciences.

2018.03.01 | Annette Bang Rasmussen

Ole Köhler-Forsberg, MD, PhD-student receives an EliteForsk Travel Award

Ole Köhler-Forsberg, MD, PhD-student receives an EliteForsk Travel Award. Photo: private

Ole Köhler-Forsberg, MD, PhD-student, will later today during a ceremony in the Opera of Copenhagen receive an EliteForsk travel Award for DKK 200.000 from the Ministry of Higher Education and Sciences. The Award is intended to finance a long stay abroad during his PhD-studies. With the award, Ole Köhler-Forsberg will be able to stay 5 months in Boston, USA, where he will visit Professor Andrew Nierenberg and his research department at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. Furthermore, the award gives Ole Köhler-Forsberg the possibility to visit other researchers, and he intends to visit Professor Rudolf Uher in Halifax, Canada, and Professor Charles Dinarello in Colorado, USA.

Ole Köhler-Forsberg works at the Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, and the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University. His PhD project investigates the role of the immune system in the development and severity of depression. Based on this, he also explores the potential of more personalized medicine with immune-modulating drugs. Some of Ole´s studies indicate that patients with depression and an inflammatory response are characterized by specific depressive symptoms. In addition, some of his other studies have shown that anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs or statins may improve the antidepressant treatment effects among some patients. His research stay in Boston will give him the possibility to further investigate his hypotheses.

In addition to the EliteForsk Travel Grant, the Independent Research Fund Denmark has recommended Ole Köhler-Forsberg for participation in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting" and Ole Köhler-Forsberg has been selected as 1 of 600 young researchers from around the world to attend a 1-week educational conference, where 30 Nobel Laureates will attend.


Ole Köhler-Forsberg, MD, PhD-student

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Psychosis Research Unit and iPSYCH

Email: olekoehler@clin.au.dk

Grants and awards, Research, All groups, iPSYCH, Department of Clinical Medicine, PhD students, People news, Health and disease, Health, Academic staff