Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Associate professor receives grant for research into colon cancer

Lasse Sommer Kristensen, associate professor at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University, receives DKK 300,000 from the Riisfort Foundation to improve the treatment options for patients with colon cancer.

2020.04.28 | Henriette Stevnhøj

[Translate to English:] Lektor Lasse Sommer Kristensen får 300.000 kr. fra Riisfort Fonden til forskning i tyktarmskræft.

A new research study aims to find better biomarkers for dividing colon cancer patients into high-risk and low-risk groups. The research aims to do this by studying a newly discovered group of biomolecules known as circular RNA molecules. The goal is to clarify whether the RNA molecules can be used as biomarkers to predict the development of bowel cancer, which has the potential to make a major impact on the treatment of colon cancer. The project, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration between basic research and patient-centred clinical research, is headed by Associate Professor Lasse Sommer Kristensen and receives DKK 300,000 in support from the Riisfort Foundation. The project is expected to begin in September 2020 and be completed in August 2022.



Associate Professor, PhD Lasse Sommer Kristensen

Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University

Tel.: (+45) 2888 0562

Email: lasse@biomed.au.dk

Grants and awards, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine, Research, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff, Public/Media