Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Medical Innovation Day

The participating companies present a case and the participants come up with a solution. The most suitable proposals are presented – and the best idea receives a prize. Deadline for registration is 31 August.

2017.08.28 | Henriette Stevnhøj

Date Fri 06 Oct
Time 09:00 22:00
Location Lille Anatomisk Auditorium

Programme for Medical Innovation Day (tentative)





1. Opening

Lille Anatomisk Aud


Dean Lars Bo Nielsen

2. Keynote speaker


Lille Anatomisk Aud


Biomedical Design v/ Mikkel Skovborg, Novo

3. Industrial Tasks & Innovative Ideas





Einarsson aud 1/ Einarsson aud 2




Innovative ideas

Kick-start of group session by INNO-X. Short presention of brainstorm rules and Pretotyping as conceptual tools.

The groups work on suggestions for solution and prepares pitches.

Short presentation by the preparators of this session followed by – as an example – a short presentation by PhD student Troels Johansen, BioMed

Particitpants (e.t. a PhD Student and a superviser) prepare a presentation of their innovative idea.





4. Presentation of tasks and selected solutions




5. Presentation of the selected innovative ideas



15 min. break app. 15.00


Einarsson aud 1/ Einarsson aud 2




13.00-13.30 Plenary session - Challenges

INNO-X presents a format for pitches to show the participants an option for planning their pitches

13.00-16.45 Plenary session (Innovative ideas)

Finishing of presentation of innovative ideas followed by pitches.


The firms present evaluates the industrial/commercial sustainability of the ideas.


Elaboration of solutions and preparation of pitches (continuated).


5 min.-pitches (varigheden tilpasses antallet af grupper)

6. Presentatio for panel


Lille Anatomisk



Two selected challenges and innovative ideas are presented to the panel.

The panel selects the best pitches in each category

7. Final session

Lille Anatomisk


Presentation by Martin Bonde, Presiden of Dansk Biotek.

Conclusion of the activities of the day by Professor Thomas Vorup-Jensen.

8. Dinner

Kantine på Kemisk Institut



Registering for Medical Innovation Day and Kick-off-event

MID is initiated by Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, in cooperation with INNO-X. Participants from other faculties i.e. Science & Technology, may register too.

Participants (PhD students, their supervisors and master students) for the challenge track should register no later than  31st August.

A while before MID (6th September – further notice later) INNO-X invites for a kick-off-event for participants of the challenge track to be introduced to a selection of innovation tools. INNO-X will present all cases on www.INNO-X.au.dk after the deadline. Participants will be informed about this and will make themselves familiar with the projects here.

Participants form groups in cooperation with INNO-X during the period between the kick-off-event and the MID-arrangement on 6th Oktober. It may occur that several groups work on the same case.

No later than 1st September companies should send a written case from the real world. The company must be able to participate on Medical Innovation Day and interact with the students.

Event, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health, Health, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine, Students, Department of Public Health, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Dentistry