Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Higher salary? There’s still time...

The deadline for applications for pay increases is 1 March.

2017.02.23 | Henriette Stevnhøj

The deadline for applications for pay increases is 1 March.

The deadline for applications for pay increases is 1 March.

If you have not yet filled out your application for an increase in salary, you still have almost a week to do so. The deadline for presenting your good arguments and sending them in an application is 1 March. You can find the application form here:


This is also where you can find the criteria that form the basis for awarding pay increases.

For employees at the HE Administrative Centre:

Once you have completed the form, you should send it to your union representative with copy to HR Partner Lotte Westerby, llw@au.dk.

If you are negotiating on your own behalf, please send the form directly to llw@au.dk.


For employees at the departments and centres: 

Once you have completed the form, you should send it to your union representative with copy to health.hr@au.dk.

If you are negotiating on your own behalf, you should send the form directly to health.hr@au.dk.

Health HR is responsible for forwarding your application to the relevant department head and, in the case of administrative staff, to the administrative centre manager.

Find your union representative via this link: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/hr/rekruttering-og-ansaettelse/findtr/

The 1 March deadline also applies to recommendations from managers and union representatives.

Administrative, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Policy and strategy