Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Mystudies and a few other IT systems are currently not working

An IT systems failure affects Mystudies, STADS and post.au.dk. The university’s IT department is working to re-establish connection to the systems.

2021.09.08 | Jakob Rom Johansen


Mystudies, STADS and, to some extent, post.au.dk are currently not available due to a server breakdown.

The IT department and external suppliers are working to re-establish connection to the server. The affected systems will not be up and running before 10 September.

Update: The wifi-network AU Gæst is also is also affected by the breakdown and some Typo3-page can be affected.  

Please see Serviceinfo.au.dk for updated information.

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University