Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Mystudies and a few other IT systems are currently not working

An IT systems failure affects Mystudies, STADS and post.au.dk. The university’s IT department is working to re-establish connection to the systems.

2021.09.08 | Jakob Rom Johansen


Mystudies, STADS and, to some extent, post.au.dk are currently not available due to a server breakdown.

A few, small administrative systems are also affected by the breakdown.

Update: Navision and the wifi-network AU Gæst is also is also affected by the breakdown and some Typo3-page can be affected.

The IT department and external suppliers are working to re-establish connection to the server. The affected system will not be up and running berfore 10 September.

Please see Serviceinfo.au.dk for updated information.

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University