Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New research nurses at Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

Two new research nurses have been employed to strengthen the research activity at the department.

2021.09.02 | Alexander Emil Kaspersen

Photo: Jesper Rais, AU Photo

The research activity at the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at Aarhus University Hospital is increasing. Therefore, we recently employed two research nurses to support the project execution and handeling of the increasing work load.

Ulla Pilemand Hjørnholm came from a research nurse position at Oslo University Hospital, Norway and started 9 August 2021 in a full-time research nurse position to take care of project related matters in relation to our major clinical trials.

Betina Aalling has been working as a nurse at our in-patient ward (T2) since ... 1 August 2021 she started in a part-time research nurse position to work alongside Ulla.

Both Ulla and Betina can be found in their office at the research unit at F303 if they are not busy in the clinic.

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Administrative, Administration (Academic), Research year student, ctvs, ctvs, People news, Health and disease, PhD students, Students, Research