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Nordic EMBL Partnership Science Art Competition 2020 winners

Congratulations to the 2020 science art competition winners!

2020.11.02 | Magnus Kræpping Andersen

For this year's competition, the Nordic EMBL Partnership is creating greetings-style cards.

The overall winner was Minttu Polso, FIMM, with her image 'Snowdrops on Palm trees' (pictured right, top image).

The runners up were Mette Richner, DANDRITE, with her image 'The delicate balance of neurotransmission' (pictured right, middle image) and the Gözen Group with their image, 'Lipid EMBL'. 

The winning designs will be printed and delivered to the Nordic EMBL nodes shortly. Thank you to all researchers who submitted an image for this year's competition.    

Collaboration, PhD students, Dandrite, Dandrite, Academic staff, Technical / administrative staff