Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New grant supports better treatment of patients suffering from multimorbidity

A grant of DKK 1.8 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation will support the efforts of PhD student Cathrine Bell from Aarhus University to make life easier for patients suffering from multimorbidity. She conducts research into how hospitals can plan patient treatment more appropriately.

2019.01.10 | Simon Byrial Fischel

Cathrine Bell's research focuses on making life easier for patients suffering from multimorbidity. A grant of DKK 1.8 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation will support her work. Photo: Silkeborg Regional Hospital.

People who simultaneously suffer from two or more chronic diseases are referred to as multimorbidity patients. This group of patients are often forced to visit a number of clinics and different specialists for treatment and check-ups, and many of them find this intrusive in their daily life.

Cathrine Bell's research project is taking place at the regional hospital in Silkeborg, where she focuses on issues such as developing patient pathways to make it possible for patients with multimorbidity to undergo all of their check-ups on the same day.

An additional aim is for the specialists who examined the patient to subsequently jointly plan the course of treatment so that all aspects of treatment are as well coordinated as possible, thus leading to a more holistic treatment pathway for the patient.

PhD student Cathrine Bell
Department of Public Health
Bartholins Allé, 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Email: catbel@rm.dk
Tel.: (+45) 7841 7884

People news, Research, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Public Health, Administration (Academic), PhD students