Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New scanning method improves diagnostics of heart patients

In cases where arteriosclerosis is suspected around the heart, a new method can provide a faster and more precise diagnosis. In his recent higher doctoral dissertation, Associate Professor and Consultant Bjarne Linde Nørgaard from Aarhus University concludes that the method has value for the future treatment of heart patients.

2021.08.11 | Lene Halgaard

The new Doctor of Medical Science took part in the development of a scanning method which helps medical doctors improve the diagnosis and treatment of heart patients. Photo:

A fast and precise diagnosis of patients experiencing chest pains is crucial in ensuring that they receive the correct treatment. New Doctor of Medical Science Bjarne Linde Nørgaard from the Department of Clinical Medicine carries out research into a type of CT scan which provides a more precise image of the blood vessels around the heart and, in particular, the blood flow in the coronary arteries.

The new scanning method is better than the methods currently in use in terms of identifying whether a patient’s coronary arteries are significantly calcified. With a more precise diagnosis, it is possible to better assess whether the patient requires further examinations and treatment. This means that patients will now be able to avoid invasive examination methods to a greater degree than previously, and that the medical doctors can better plan any subsequent treatment involving a stent or bypass. 


Associate Professor, Consultant, DMSc Bjarne Linde Nørgaard

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology

Email: bnorgaard@dadlnet.dk

People news, Public/Media, Health, Health, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff