Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New research communication courses

This autumn, the Central Denmark Region and Aarhus University will offer four different courses giving researchers and PhD students training in how to communicate health science research to people who are not academics or specialists. Registration is now open.

2020.09.01 | Hanne Weibel

Four new courses in research communication are being offered this autumn. Photo: Aarhus University Hospital

The Central Denmark Region and Aarhus University, Health, together offer different courses in research communication, which will be held at both Aarhus University Hospital and in the Regional Headquarters in Viborg.

Four courses are offered in the autumn of 2020. Read more about the individual courses in Plan2Learn, where you can also register:

All of the autumn courses are free for PhD students and cost DKK 350 for other researchers.

You can also read more about the different courses at www.forskningskommunikation.rm.dk (in Danish).

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 situation, there will be fewer participants on the courses this autumn. All guidelines regarding COVID-19 will, of course, be followed. However, please note that there is a risk of the courses being cancelled if the Central Denmark Region cancels all of its courses.


Hanne Weibel
Aarhus University Hospital, Communication
Mobile: (+45) 2977 7656 
Email: hannweib@rm.dk

Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Health, Health, Research, Technical / administrative staff