Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New IT system will provide an improved overview for planners, students and VIPs

A new joint timetabling and exam planning system will be implemented at AU. The purpose is to simplify the planners’ working procedures and provide an improved overview

2018.05.07 | Signe Schou

Foto: Colourbox

The supplier has been chosen, and the implementation process has been initiated. A common steering committee and a common coordinating group will direct the process, and the faculties are currently working on putting together local steering committees. The groups will together be responsible for rolling out the system, preparing the implementation and handling communication.

Pilot testing will begin in the autumn of 2018, and the new system will be fully implemented in the autumn of 2019.

Eliminating double bookings

The new system will simplify the planning processes. For one, planning data will no longer be spread over multiple systems. It will no longer be necessary to spend time checking for double bookings, and information will not have to be entered in several systems.

The new system will also ensure better utilisation of classrooms. An additional goal is to develop common planning principles and a common annual schedule across AU.

New timetable from 2020

All planning across faculties will be done in the new system from October 2019. This means that all students and teachers will see the timetables for the spring semester of 2020 in the new system.


Supplier: Semestry.

The new system consists of three applications: TermTime (course administration) and ExamTime (exam planning) and MyTimetable (display of timetable etc.) In collaboration with the supplier, the system will now be adapted to AU.

Read more about the project here

Administrative, Academic staff, All AU units, AU Student Administration and Services, Technical / administrative staff