Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New national roadmap for research infrastructure: Information meeting and workshop

A new national roadmap for research infrastructure is to be developed for the period 2020-2023. At AU, the process will be initiated on Tuesday 29 October. One this day, the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education will hold an information meeting, which will be followed by a number of workshops organised by AU with a focus on the university’s possible inputs for the national roadmap.

2019.10.07 | Camilla Schrøder

Date Tue 29 Oct
Time 12:00 15:00
Location Ndr. Ringgade, bygning 1410, Vandrehallen
Registration has closed



12:00-13:00: Information meeting on the new national roadmap and ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure)

13:00-15:00: Workshops on:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Energy, Climate and Environmental Sciences
  • Biotech, Health and Life Sciences
  • Materials Technology and Nanotechnology and Physical Sciences

The workshops will be held in English. 

Read the current Danish roadmap for research infrastructures (from 2015)

Event, Administration (Academic), All groups, All AU units, Rector’s Office