Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Newly qualified medical doctor: We’re ready

These were the words of Nina Bjerre Andersen, who gave the celebratory speech on behalf of the new graduates as she and 154 fellow students brought their time as medical students at Aarhus University to an end on Friday 29 January 2016.

2016.02.10 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

155 new medical doctors pledged the traditional Hippocratic oath at the graduation ceremony for Medicine in the Main Hall on Friday. Photo: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen/AU.

155 new medical doctors pledged the traditional Hippocratic oath at the graduation ceremony for Medicine in the Main Hall on Friday. Photo: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen/AU.

The Main Hall and the Ambulatory were filled to overflowing as more than 600 smartly dressed people attended the new medical doctors’ graduation. With the help of music from the Aarhus University Choir, Dean of the Faculty of Health Allan Flyvbjerg welcomed everyone to the ceremony.

The dean began by congratulating the new medical doctors on their education.

"Some days are more fun than others when you’re Dean at Health. Yesterday, for example, I welcomed all the new medical students. That was a fun day. They looked so young and fresh. Today is that kind of day too. A fun day. But you all seem tired and a little older," said Allan Flyvbjerg with a smile on his face and continued:

"You’re the lucky ones. They need you out there in the real world. Your future prospects are good, both in Denmark and abroad."


In the Main Hall, the graduates and their families sat together with the dean, the vice-deans and the department heads from Health. More guests sat in the Ambulatory, while others followed the event live via streaming on the university's website.

Master of Science in Medicine (MD) Nina Bjerre Andersen represented her exam class and held the celebratory speech for her former fellow students – now colleagues.

"Finally we’re the ones sitting here. Now we’re ready. We’re well equipped professionally, also better than the year groups before us. We’re ready to jump in with both feet, ready to put on that white coat and stand tall. All we need to do is think like Pippi Longstocking: I've never done this before, so I can definitely do it," said Nina Bjerre Andersen.

Chair of the Danish Nurses' Organisation Grete Christensen paid tribute to the new medical doctors.

"You’ve made a bold decision to become doctors. The healthcare system really needs you. But it isn’t an easy or simple workplace. You will meet many challenges, but we’re looking forward to working together with you. We must work closely together and help each other across disciplines. Team up with the some of the experienced nurses," said Grete Christensen, before reading a well-known Danish poem by Benny Andersen aloud for the graduates called “Some advice for my grandchildren”.

The dean congratulated each of the graduates individually as each signed the Hippocratic oath in the university's protocol.

The graduation ceremony also saw two new Doctors of Medical Science honoured. The Dean of the Faculty of Health (right) presented the doctoral letter to Niels Nørskov-Lauritsen (left) and Asger Granfeldt (centre), both from the Department of Clinical Medicine.

"I usually say that the PhD degree is a test piece. What you two have achieved is a masterpiece. The higher doctoral degree is something special. It’s top-quality. And I’m not saying that just because I’ve got one myself," said Allan Flyvbjerg.

Following the formal event, Health hosted light refreshments in the Ambulatory and Museum of Ancient Art.


All photos were taken by Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen/AU.

Education, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Public/Media, PhD students