Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

The online printing service at AU Library will be unavailable for four days

MyPrint will be closed between 8 November and 12 November. Find out here what this means for you.

2019.11.07 | Signe Schou

The shutdown means that you cannot use the printers from 8 November at 8:00 until 12 November at 9:00.

In the period after the service reopens on 12 November until the new library system launches on 19 November, you can use the same login and PIN code as you do now.

When the new library system launches on 19 November, you will have to change your password and PIN code the first time you log in. 

You can read more about the shutdown of MyPrint at

Education, Students, All AU units, State and University Library