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Update your acces to AU's wireless network

AU IT is working to improve the stability of eduroam, AU’s free wireless network for students and employees. This means that starting on 15 August, you may encounter a pop-up on your mobile devices prompting you to verify your access to eduroam.

2016.08.03 | Marie Lærke Justesen

Once you have done this, you can continue to use the free wireless network, both at AU and at research and educational institutions all over the world, in addition to lots of hot spots all over downtown Aarhus.

This is what you should do:

  • Run the programme, 'eduroam installer’, which can be dowloaded from cat.eduroam.org
  • Your user name is au<AUID>@uni.au.dk (ex au123456@uni.au.dk)
  • Use the same password that you use for mit.au.dk or your AU webmail.

It would be a good idea to go ahead and update your mobile devices now.

If you need help, you will find a step-by-step  guide for iOS and Windows devices at eduroam.au.dk, where you can also read more about the network.

Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University