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PhD defence: Anita Tønder Nielsen

Impact of comorbid physical conditions in individuals with schizophrenia: Identification and quantification of contributing factors to excess mortality

2020.10.09 | Graduate School of Health

Date Mon 26 Oct
Time 13:00 15:00
Location Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, building 2626, Auditorium G (Harvard)

Monday 26 October at 13:00, Anita Tønder Nielsen defends her PhD dissertation entitled " Impact of comorbid physical conditions in individuals with schizophrenia: Identification and quantification of contributing factors to excess mortality".

Schizophrenia is one of the most severe and disabling mental illnesses worldwide, and leads to difficulties in everyday functioning and, thus, has a profound effect on both the individuals affected and society. Furthermore, individuals with schizophrenia die 13-15 years earlier compared to individuals without schizophrenia. This excess mortality is well recognized, which imposes significant challenges to public health and warrants action. Natural causes of death from physical diseases account for two-thirds of this excess mortality in individuals with schizophrenia. However, the effect on the excess mortality in individuals with schizophrenia, of the interplay between higher occurrence, late diagnosis and suboptimal treatment of physical diseases in connection with antipsychotic treatment, remains unknown.     

The summary is written by the PhD student.    

The defence is public and will be held online via Zoom or in auditorium G (Harvard), building 2626, Aarhus University, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Anita Tønder Nielsen

Mail: toender@econ.au.dk  

Phone: (+45) 24945159 

Read full press release.

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Public Health