Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD defence: Gitte Boier Tygesen

Development and evaluation of a situation awareness model targeting clinical deterioration in the emergency department.

2020.06.22 | Health Kommunikation

Date Thu 18 Jun
Time 10:00 12:00
Location Horsens Regional Hospital, Auditoriet, Sundvej 30, 8700 Horsens

Thursday the 18th of June at 10.00 Gitte Boier Tygesen defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Development and evaluation of a situation awareness model targeting clinical deterioration in the emergency department.”

The defence is public and will be held at Horsens Regional Hospital, Auditoriet, Sundvej 30, 8700 Horsens. Please read the attached press release.


PhD student Gitte Boier Tygesen
Mail: gibped@rm.dk
Tel.: (+45) 2521 5199

Read full press release.

PhD defense, PhD students, Health, Health, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Public/Media, External target group