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PhD defence: Gitte Vrelits Sørensen

Late effects of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

2021.09.24 | Graduate School of Health

Date Fri 15 Oct
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Auditorium J116-113 (entrance J, level 1), Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensen Boulevard 165, 8200 Aarhus N.

On Friday 15 October at 14.00, Gitte Vrelits Sørensen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Late effects in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia".

Five-year survival rates for patients with childhood ALL have increased impressively from 10% in the 1960s to above 90% today. However, the advances in survival have come at a price, and adverse effects from ALL and the cytotoxic treatment may persist or become evident many years after cure from cancer. The potential long life remaining in these children underscores the need for more knowledge and better characterization of long-term effects of childhood ALL. The studies included in the Ph.D.-project are all population-based and use data from unique Nordic registries.

The summary is written by the PhD student

The defence is public and takes place in Auditorium J116-113 (entrance J, level 1), Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensen Boulevard 165, 8200 Aarhus N. Please read full press release for more information. 


PhD student Gitte Vrelits Sørensen

Mail: gitte@clin.au.dk 

Phone: (+45) 20438085

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine