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PhD defence: Hanne Mørkenborg Bové

Bridging acute nursing care to patients suffering from alcohol use disorders. A lifeworld perspective

2020.06.19 | Health Kommunikation

Date Wed 24 Jun
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Samfundsmedicinsk auditorium, building 1262, room 101, Aarhus University and also via Zoom

Wednesday June 24th at 14.00 Hanne Mørkenborg Bové defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Bridging acute nursing care to patients suffering from alcohol use disorders. A lifeworld perspective.”

The defense is public, due to COVID-19 the PhD defence will be partly by physical presence and via Zoom. For registration to the defence, please write an e-mail to hanbov@rm.dk (including type of participation, virtual or presence): no later than June 20, 2020

PhD student Hanne Mørkenborg Bové
Mail:  hanbov@rm.dk 
Phone: +45 28 41 78 22

Read the full press release

PhD defense, PhD students, Health, Health, Academic staff, Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Health, Public/Media