Web-based support targeting anxiety and depression by featuring social interaction and animated information. A review of factors associated with anxiety and depression together with clinical evaluation.
2018.10.23 |
Date | Fri 16 Nov |
Time | 13:00 — 15:00 |
Location | Lillesøsalen, VIA University College, Campus Silkeborg, Nattergalevej 1, 8600 Silkeborg. |
Friday the 16th of November at 13.00 Janni Strøm defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Web-based support targeting anxiety and depression by featuring social interaction and animated information. A review of factors associated with anxiety and depression together with clinical evaluation.”
The defence is public and takes place in Lillesøsalen, VIA University College, Campus Silkeborg, Nattergalevej 1, 8600 Silkeborg.
Further information:
PhD student Janni Strøm
Email: japete@rm.dk
Tel.: +45 41 17 71 37